


Each of these services are potential tools for your self-care toolkit. Every person travels a unique and evolving path so you may resonate with and choose different tools at different times. All classes and consultations are available online as well as in-person.    


(75 minutes) Naam Yoga unites the spiritual doctrines of Eastern and Western mysticism with ancient and advanced yogic practices. Experience the unique and powerful physical and energetic practice that works on all levels of your being to create balance and harmony from the inside out. Shakti NAAM Yoga, a modern-day application of the practice of Sukshma Vyayama of the Himalayas, addresses the stresses and fast-paced living of modern times. It is a unique combination of movement, breath work, acupressure and sound/vocal vibration that activates the body’s innate self-healing capacity. Shakti NAAM Yoga focuses on deep breathing, stretching, opening the meridians, stimulating the internal organs, expanding lung capacity, strengthening the nervous system, stretching the subtle body and healing the mind. In this class, we breathe deeply, chant, move and shift into our highest potential. The purpose of Naam Yoga is to become universal in nature by acknowledging the divine essence in oneself, in all beings and in all sacred traditions. Private lessons (individual or group) also available upon request. 

Loving these classes in Naam Yoga. Very gentle, relaxing movements.  The breath work is amazing and always accompanied with beautiful music. Elizabeth is a talented teacher, well versed in meditation and relaxation techniques.  She explains how Naam Yoga can be used to manage stress along with other health benefits.  All as simple as breathing.
— Nancy C, Long Beach



(30 minutes) An invigorating sequence of movements that stimulate the body’s energy meridians for enhanced health. The class combines cardio movement with focused breathing techniques and is ideal for people with limited time or a preference for cardio activities. It is a powerful practice that improves health, strengthens your electromagnetic field and gives you a beautiful aura. The comprehensive cardiovascular workout helps maintain a healthy heart rate, good circulation and enhances overall energy levels. The NAAM 5 is ideal for schools, corporate wellness programs and community events. Private lessons (individual or group) also available upon request. 


Harmonyum Healing

(60 minutes | $150) Harmonyum Healing is a holistic, physical and emotional healing modality. A gentle hands-on healing system that strengthens and balances the autonomous nervous system to enhance the body’s self-healing capacity. With only minimal touch (no pressure), it produces sensations of relaxation, calm and well-being. Harmonyum employs the ancient art of utilizing the energy meridians via the body’s electromagnetic field. Harmonyum is recommended for all individuals who wish to optimize their health and increase their capacity to deeply rest. It brings a deep sense of calm, similar to the meditative state experienced by long-term meditators. It brings a new consciousness to the recipient allowing them to more clearly see previously unconscious habits and patterns thus creating an opening for positive change. It is also recommended for anyone wishing to start or strengthen a meditation practice. It is safe to use for any health condition, it has no side effects, no risk of pharmaceutical interactions, is gentle, pain-free and does not require the recipient to disrobe. Appointments currently available in Long Beach. Packages of 3 and 7 treatments available at discounted rates.

A profound experience in field energetics. I came away feeling centered and refreshed. Elizabeth has mastered this art!
— Robin B, Irvine. 


Blueprint for Happiness

(90 minutes) Happiness is not something that happens by chance. It is the result of some very simple, yet often overlooked, steps you can learn, practice and master. What if you could jumpstart your personal blueprint for happiness and learn those steps with just one profound and powerful class? This life-changing session will help you unlock your inner self-knowledge to not only achieve clarity on what true happiness is, but also give you the tools you need to learn and master those simple steps and experience greater happiness in your life. Discover what your birth date can reveal about your habits, challenges and strengths. Learn about the 7 karmic influences that determine your unconscious habits and patterns. Help shift from “automatic” emotional reactions to consciously paying attention. Learn about the laws of the Universe influencing you and how to work with those influences for your best health, satisfying relationships, abundant career and inner happiness. This Blueprint for Happiness introduces wisdom of the Universal Kabbalah and the class also serves as an introduction to the comprehensive Lifestyle Course. Private lessons (individual or group) also available upon request. 


THE Lifestyle Course:
Find Your Inner HappinesS

(30 hours) Your personal road map to creating the life YOU want. The Lifestyle Course is a journey of self-discovery to find your inner truth, strength, and light. It is an introduction to the science and practices of Naam Yoga and Divine Spiritual Wisdom of the Universal Kabbalah. We begin by asking: What if we individuals came with manuals, books of deep wisdom about our soul’s nature, our inner truths, and our purpose on this earth? What if we could examine and understand our inner strengths and weaknesses, the root causes of how and why we get stuck in our lives, and find ways to shift, move forward, and achieve true physical, mental and spiritual health and happiness? What if we could discover personal, customized strategies and useful techniques for finding love, achieving career success, and self-healing? This is Naam Yoga’s Personal Transformation Program, a 4-part journey into the wisdom, purpose, and power to forever change your life. The Lifestyle Course begins with a deep dive into your personal birth chart and examines how planetary influences can impact your health, career, and love relationships. We'll look closely at the challenges, habits and patterns that are holding you back, and learn how to harness the tools of Naam – yoga, movement, meditation, sound therapy, chanting, mantras and mudras to help you reveal, shift, and transform to secure enduring health, happiness, love and light across all aspects of your life. Along the way, you'll develop a daily meditation practice, understand the healing power of breath, and learn practical tips and tools to improve your timing and communication in your personal and professional life. This is the deeply profound, journey of discovery - a roadmap for this lifetime and beyond. If you are looking for answers, The Lifestyle Course will help you find them. This course is a prerequisite for all applicants to the Naam Yoga Teacher Training Program.
Class includes:
Free introduction to meditation guide
9 Track Meditation Playlist
The Lifestyle Course Exercise Video (The Naam 5)
Course Manual
The Blueprint for Happiness Introduction Session
Private lessons (individual or group) also available upon request. 


Digestive Health Consultations

(60 minutes) Loomis Enzymes offers a multitude of quality products targeted at assisting digestion and key body systems. Your Digestive Health Consultation will help identify how your unique body functions and where it may need certain nutrients or enzymes to shift you onto the path of radiant health. Food is fuel for living. It contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals to keep our bodies healthy and strong. Natural raw foods contain the necessary enzymes essential to health and wellness. Enzymes run the biochemical reactions in living things including humans, animals, and plants. This means that enzymes do the "work" in the body whereas vitamins and minerals, also known as coenzymes, are only building blocks. What isn't commonly understood is how important enzymes are to digestion and to the concept of staying healthy. The very processes the food industry uses to extend shelf life and reduce spoilage eliminates natural enzymes so they are not contained in processed, pasteurized and other altered foods. Digestion is largely taken for granted by just about everybody. You may assume that what you put into your mouth is going to be digested. But, digestion doesn't just happen: it is a complicated process that is extremely important and should not be overlooked as a root cause for many health problems. When digestion is hindered, symptoms such as gas, bloating, pain may result and your body is unable to properly process and receive nutrients. Ignoring these problems may result in long-term chronic conditions. Consultation includes an assessment of your body’s unique ability to digest food and specific recommendations for Loomis Enzymes formulations.